Mala Meditation Bracelet

The Tibetan prayer beads are made from various materials but the most common one is wood. The preferred wood comes from sacred wood or sandalwood extracted from Bodhi tree. There are some expensive options made from precious and/or semiprecious stones like rubies, pearls, amber, crystal, gold, jade or coral.

Wood beads have been around for years now. In the olden days, men did not have much to adorn themselves. The only things available were shells, bones, teeth and other found objects. In an attempt to look for new objects and ways to adorn themselves they were able to find good use of broken twigs and branches of trees. They were able to pick twigs from trees and turn them into wood beads which they could string together and wear as necklaces and bracelets.

When someone adorns a mala meditation bracelet, he is blessed with bravery and energy. He finds the power to defend himself from disapproval. Sphatik Beads could be used with Rudraksha or coral beads to further accentuate the benefits.

Different stones have different meanings. Each one has a power that the Earth has set it for. There are some with healing properties, others that imbue calm in the wearer and still others that are for clarity of mind and to allow the person to release negative feelings. When deciding on the materials of the Buddhist prayer beads you wish to have it is wise to discuss what the personal reason is. In this way the right set will be in possession and the desired result can be reached.

Violet is the shade of the Crown chakra, also known as Sahasrara the seat of infinite consciousness with the brilliance of the sun.  Where the conscious breath merges into the infinite realm of Shiva. This chakra is situated at the highest point of the head. The Crown chakra is connected to the crown of the head, sensory system, and the cerebrum, and is illustrative of pure thought and action, eternal, Divine existence.

In today's world, nobody has time to devote all of their time on simply one task. People prefer to multitask. However, this habit isn't appreciated by those who practice meditation. They say the mind needs to be attentive, it shouldn't wander about. For that purpose prayer beads were created. They help people to connect their minds to the mantra, and remove distracted thoughts. The mind is able to concentrate and thus, becomes peaceful.

If your energy is low when you begin meditation you may fall asleep but if your energy level is too high distraction and fantasy can become barriers. This is where your mala can provide you with a much needed anchor.
